
  • Red Web Banner image resized small
    A show at the newly refurbished Polka Theatre
  • Doncaster Deaf Trust cafe supported by national deaf children's charity Ovingdean Hall Foundation
    The new café at Doncaster Deaf Trust
  • Toy Like Me's See It Be It exhibition funded by deaf children's charity Ovingdean Hall Foundation
    Toy Like Me's See It Be It exhibition
  • Mousetrap Theatre Projects supported by national deaf children's charity Ovingdean Hall Foundation
    Sign singing on stage at Matilda
  • Panathlon project supported by national deaf children's charity Ovingdean Hall Foundation
    Children at a Panathlon Boccia tournament
  • SeaShell Trust supported by national deaf children's charity Ovingdean Hall Foundation
    Sensory room at Seashell Trust
  • St John's School library supported by national deaf children's charity Ovingdean Hall Foundation
    The library at St John's School, Boston Spa

Deaf children's charity Ovingdean Hall Foundation's tenth anniversary logo

Ovingdean Hall Foundation, previously Ovingdean Hall School for Deaf Children, is a small national charity and grantmaker supporting education projects for deaf children and deaf young people.

Over the years, we have worked with many charities including the National Deaf Children’s Society, Doncaster Deaf Trust, Music and The Deaf, Go Live Theatre Projects, Panathlon and SignHealth. With the help of our supporters, we have funded new music and sensory rooms, specialist equipment, and sports and theatre experiences for deaf children and young people. Learn more about our projects. We also fund scholarships for teachers training to become Teachers of Deaf Children and Young People. Find out more.

Please nominate Ovingdean Hall Foundation in Benefact Group’s Movement for Good 2025!: Benefact Group have launched their Movement for Good for 2025, with gifts of £1,000 and £5,000 to give away. Please can you help us to be one of the lucky charities by nominating us here. Thank you very much.

Find out more about our projects: You can read more about our work with deaf children and young people by reading our Newsletters. Please contact us if you would like to be sent a copy by email or post.

Find out more about deaf children’s education: If you would like to learn more about the education of deaf children and young people, please view a range of articles written by our Trustee Ted Moore.

Work with us: If you are from a charity or not-for-profit that is seeking funds for an education project for deaf children and young people, find out how you can Apply to us.

Please support our work with deaf children and deaf young people: We are very fortunate and grateful to be supported by a number of individuals and trusts. If you would like to make a donation toward our work, please visit Support Us or Donate through Kind Link’s secure online donation service Thank you so much.

Registered charity number: 1052478